JacksonXC has groomed more than 60K since Tuesday’s6 to 10″ storm and it is Two-for-One day, two tickets for $21. For “big machine grooming” head out the Ellis River Trail for your choice of mellow gliding and/or epic tours. You can ski all the way to the North Hall Landing (out & back); or head up the Bengt or Keeney and do the Maple Mountain Loop. Most of the Ellis River trails (all except North Ellis and beyond) are on their “second groom” of the storm. We have put in classic tracks along with a skate platform every where
possible. The Upper Village is on it’s second groom with the Pisten Bully this morning as it Prospect (small machine). We also groomed (packed) a number of the Village Trails yesterday! Check them out on classic touring skis for in-town fun.

Powder for Tuesday, Groomers for Today.