Jan. 29 JacksonXC Ski Report
Link to report. Today’s skiers will find the major Prospect Farm (Carter Notch) trails groomed as well
as the long distance route on the Ellis River Corridor all the way to “the Landing” on
North Hall as well as tracks and a skate platform starting right out the door at the
Touring Center.Maple Mountain was groomed yesterday. Plus the Woodchuck Trail.
For the shortest route to the Ellis River Trail, with minimal open golf course skiing, pick
up a ticket at the touring center and then park at the Red Fox Grille (non-paved
section) and hop on the Troll Trail. There is total of 37 K groomed for today and more than 55 K in the last two nights.

Rocky Branch Lot is a good “straight to the woods” trailhead. Most of us will have to ski, some will ride. Picture from 1/28