Jan 23 Ski Report
Jan. 23, 6:30 am
(Link to Ski Report) Accumulations of 1 to 2 to even 3+ inches of fluffy new powder snow over the week have made an improvement to skiing that daily skiers may not have noticed but will be very apparent to weekend visitors. Snow in the Village is still thin, but the learning terrain is groomed nightly and was expanded last night. Work with an instructor on your snowplow skills; and your selection of trails expands dramatically; many kilometers of great cruising lie on the other side of one hill: Ellis River, Prospect Farm, Eagle Fields.
There is packed powder, with classic tracks in the Prospect Farm/Carter Notch trails, but the parking is limited (and please “park tight”.”) Skiing out the Ellis gives you access to JacksonXC’s popular long distance loop: South Hall and Maple Mountain. The Woodchuck Trail has classic tracks and a skate platform, too.
Freeman Frost White Mountain Classic Race/Tour: The race is a self-timed eventm 14 or 21 K; on a pre-set course over 9 days; Jan. 23-31. The course is “out and back” on Boggy for 3 laps for a full 21K. Registration is on SkiReg. Season passholders, note the reduced rate (use coupon code: JXNseasonpass) AND think about how you can ski the course repeatedly, if you are interested in seeing if you can improve your time.

Powder over packed base on one of the side trails at Prospect Farm, Jan. 22